Monday 25 April 2016

Interesting Ways in Using Technology to catch your Cheating Spouse

Some recent progresses in technology have made it simple to nurture multiple relationships. Nowadays with the advancements of emails, texting, snap-chat, or any other tech accessible, you can multi-task in switching from one relationship to another, or continue your flirtatious acts. Dating sites also assist you in setting your dishonest affairs. Though technology has progressed and enabled to maintain such affairs, but latest spy technologies too have helped your spouse to catch you cheating over the other. Partner can be caught red-handed without the awareness of cheating spouse. Mentioned here are 9 remarkable ways one can apply technology to catch their cheating spouse

1. Cell Phone Spy: Among the many spying technologies, Spying Software is such a technology that can be disturbing at a very less cost. If you install Win-Mobile-Spy on your computer, you can easily access your spouse’s email history; Facebook; record microphone sounds; and also accumulate screenshots from their mobile. Win-spy will offer you a similar power on your smartphone as well. These two products are available for less than $49.00 USD.

2. Find My iPhone: ‘Find M iPhone’ is a superb technology where you can secretly utilize the app for knowing about his/her spouse. If your spouse who is the target has utilized their iTunes account on your phone for downloading a song, then you might use their iCloud account. When spouse has left the place and gone to meet someone unknown, you can watch their activities, where and with whom they are flirting or having fun with. 

3. Webcam Remote Access: Many people believe that activating web cam is any kind of high-technology plan, but it isn’t. Basic webcam remote access such as GoToMyPC can be utilized to spy on your spouse. If you are around your spouse’s computer, you may have a chance to set your own close watch system. If you doubt on your partner, then you can take action via this technology, and catch hold of your spouse’s cheating.

4. Budget Apps: Budget Apps such as Mint can be useful in telling you how much your spouse has spent money unnecessarily, without informing you. Quick alerts on the spy app will let you send messages like: ‘He/she has spent $400 on restaurant food this month.’ Things can turn out to be dreadful if you get to check such messages.

5. App History: Many of the spy apps can have history details covering from Google Maps to Urban Spoon. Apps history can be useful in a great way. Though your spouse might have erased the history from the browser, but still you can check out the smallest details. For example, if your spouse has entered the bar or into an apartment with an unknown person, you can know it at that very moment.

6. Contact Spy: When your spouse is having an extra-marital affair, they insert their mistress’s contact under another name in the phone. With the help of iPhone and Android ‘Contact Spy’, if you catch that particular ‘work number’ in your address book hitting your spouse’s mobile six to eight times or may be more in a week, or in a day, you can directly plug it on your phone, and also learn who was calling, and from where it is being called.     

7. Photostream: It might be tough to understand how Photostream operates. Well if your spouse has inserted a photo, and deleted it afterwards from your PC, they may think it is removed, but it isn’t. Photostream acquires cloud storage to the next stage by storing the photo, as well as thrusting it to their other iPhones, Macs, and iPads. You can have many chances to hit upon some odd selfies or pics sent by your spouse’s friends.

8. Auto-complete: Auto-complete is one of the most helpful features. If you type an email on a search term, or anybody’s name on Facebook, your PC would find out what you’re exactly looking. With Auto-complete, if you pop up your spouse’s first name of your new co-worker in their Gmail, you may see the emails that are sent back and forth, even though they go the trash box. Though your spouse might have cleared the mails or chats completely, but you might check those mails through letters sent by your spouse to their secret friend.

9. Night Recorder: Night recorder will operate on stand-by mode. This can be kept in the car or any room where any kind of sound can be recorded. If you find that your spouse is going to spend time with someone alone in a car or in a hotel room or any other place, you can fit the night recorder that will capture the recording of the sound or moaning occurred. Afterwards you can hear even the slightest of sound that has happened, and you can be clear that your spouse is cheating on you. This might proceed with court case where this audio file can be used against your spouse.   
Hence, the above technologies will help you greatly whenever your spouse is 

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